Final results of the 13th administrative review of antidumping duties on Vietnamese pangasius exporters to the US are out:

Vinh Hoan Corporation 0%, most Vietnamese exporters from USD2.39/kg

On October 14, 2016, the US Department of Commerce (DOC) initiated the 13th administrative review of the antidumping duty order on frozen fish fillets (fish fillets) from Vietnam for the period August 1, 2015, through July 31, 2016 (aka POR13), in which the mandatory respondent was GODACO Seafood Joint Stock Company (GODACO).

On September 12, 2017, The Department preliminarily determined that as GODACO had not cooperated to the best of its ability during the review process, it would be subject to the application of adverse facts available and based on such, its preliminary duty margin was determined at USD2.39/kg.

In March 2017, DOC published the final antidumping duties that were generally higher than the initial results. Specifically, the ad valorem rate adopted to GODACO will increase over 60% from USD2.39/kg to USD 3.87/kg. This USD2.39/kg will also serve as the blanket duty for other Vietnamese exporters’ shipments to the US during the POR13 (the Vietnam-wide entity rate).

Final results of review

Exporter Weighted- average margin


Vietnam-wide entity 2.39
GODACO Seafood Joint Stock Company 3.87
Hung Vuong Group 3.87
Can Tho Import-Export Joint Stock Company, aka CASEAMEX 3.87
Cuu Long Fish Joint Stock Company 3.87
Dai Thanh Seafoods Company Limited 3.87
Green Farms Seafood Joint Stock Company 3.87
NTSF Seafoods Joint Stock Company 3.87
Vinh Quang Fisheries Corporation 3.87
Hoang Long Seafood Processing Co., Ltd. 7.74
Cadovimex II Seafood Import-Export and Processing Joint Stock  Company 7.74

On the other hand, DOC rescinded the administrative review on certain exporters who had filed the review withdraw request timely, i.e. within 90 days of the date of publication of the initiation and did not have any other outstanding review requests. Vinh Hoan Corporation and Bien Dong Seafood Co., Ltd, were not requested for review by the petitioners and therefore, will maintain their most recent margins. As its previous period (POR12)’s rate was 0%, Vinh Hoan will continue to enjoy this rate in POR13.


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